Monday, October 12, 2009

Noah the daredevil

Well now to update everyone on Noah. Noah is now 11 months old and he is so active and more mischevious than Daniel was.
He does not like to be held in your lap and he is constantly pulling up on anything and everything. We have a small toddler rocking chair. Noah pushed it across the living room and climbed into the chair and stood up on it. He has already learned how to crawl on top of Daniel's mini-trampoline and he will stand up on that and try to jump sometimes. He even tries to get off head first. Needless to say he has taken a few tumbles off the trampoline. He spent a few days with my parents in Plainview and before we left this weekend he was already sliding head first on his tummy down their 4 little split level stairs.
We keep a close eye on him when we are downstairs to make sure he does not hit his head on the tile. We have seen him bump his head on toys and furniture a few times but it does not seem to phase him. He just keeps on trucking and playing. He is a tough little boy. He is also very loveable, sometimes he will crawl over to me and just get on my lap and put his arms around my neck and give me a great big hug.
Noah has also learned how to clap and he loves to bat his eyelashes. And just this past week, Noah has started to dance. He will nod his head and shake his body a little. When I ask him to give "ojitos" (however you spell it), he will bat his eyelashes and smile very big.
Just like Daniel, Noah is such a happy baby. He just has a little more of a temperment than Daniel did, but we still love him and are very blessed to have such great boys.

Daniel the comedian

I know I need to add pictures but I wanted to share a few funny moments with Daniel. Daniel has really grown up a lot since his 3rd birthday.
He can be so literal sometimes. Eric took him to the zoo about a month ago. He had a blast and Eric told him to tell me about the baby monkeys.
"We saw baby monkeys at the zoo." says Daniel.
"Tell Mama you saw them jumping." says Eric.
"Were they jumping on the beds?" I say.
"No, they don't have beds." says Daniel.
"Was the Mama telling them, 'No more jumping on the bed?'" I say.
"No, monkeys don't talk. They say 'Ooo Ooo aahh ahh'"says Daniel.

Just this past Tuesday, my parents were in town visiting and we went out to celebrate a late 10 yr anniversary for Eric working with AT&T. Daniel's cousin Amelia, was telling Daniel some jokes. So Daniel came up with his own joke.
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"I don't know."
"To get to the other playground."
And then Daniel would laugh hysterically himself before anyone else did. When we started laughing, he continued to say it and laugh to have us laugh some more.

I will try to get some pictures posted soon.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Noah eating by himself

Well Noah has about 7 teeth now, so we are trying to give him some table foods. He has been eating Gerber puffs for a couple of months now he loves picking them up and crunching them in his mouth. Today Noah had green beans and pasta for dinner and this was the first time we let him pick it up by himself. He went wild and had a great time making a mess and eating some of his dinner.

Our trip to California

One of my cousins was having a wedding in CA and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for us to take Daniel to Disneyland. Noah was too small to enjoy it but that just gives us an excuse to go back again. We drove in my parents RV from Plainview to Sacramento and it took us 3 days to get there. At the wedding, Daniel and Noah met our cousins from the West Coast and they had a great time.

Eric's parents were also lucky enough to join us in CA so we had a great time at Disneyland. Daniel's favorite ride was the Casey Jr. Circus Train (from Dumbo).

I am already looking forward to goin again when Noah is older.

Update on Our Summer

Well it has been a while since I have blogged and we have had a busy summer. We visited some friends in Dallas in June but unfortunately I lost our camera while we were there. Noah and Daniel have both grown so much. Noah is not sitting on his own and crawling everywhere. He is beginning to pull himself up on me or Eric. I am trying to show him how to pull up on other things.

I put a ball pit for the boys and they both loved it. Noah loves playing with Daniel and Daniel can always make Noah smile.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Daniel's first visit to the dentist

Daniel has his first visit to the dentist on Monday. He did so great and he was very cooperative. He did not cry or throw any fits at all. I feel bad that he did not get to go into one of the cool rooms for the little kids. They were very busy and we got there a little late because we got a little lost trying to find it. So he ended up going into one of the rooms for the pre-teens/ teenagers. He chose cherry flavored gloves and he loved playing with the suction hose. He has 10 teeth on top and 10 teeth on bottom. We got to see his x-rays and he was very proud that those were pictures of his teeth. He did so well that the hygeniest let him pick 3 toys. She said most kids just pick two. She could of just been saying that to make us feel better. Daniel has no cavities and the dentist said his teeth look great. We forgot the camera so I will have to download some pictures off of Eric's phone later.

Noah is a busy body

Well Noah is so active. How many times have I said that. This week he started to spin on his tummy and he is beginning to roll over at night. He will stay on his tummy a lot longer and he is starting to push off with his feet a lot. He loves watching Daniel play and he wants to join in. He is sitting up for longer periods of time (1 - 2 min.) and he is trying really hard to keep his balance. He has been going to The Little Gym and he is the only baby so the teacher gives him all her attention. We all work to make him stronger and happier each week.
The whole family is doing great and Eric and I are getting excited about our trip to California in July. We are driving to Sacramento for a cousin's wedding and then we are going to stop in Anaheim, CA to go to Disneyland and Knott's Berry farm on the way back. We are going with my parents and my sister and her husband. Everyone is excited and we can not wait to see Daniel's face when we go to the two parks.